This is a short tutorial how to build OGRE3d for the web. We will use emscripten to cross compile OGRE3d to javascript / webgl, that means we do not need any plugins to run our OGRE3d app. 1. We need emscripten running on our target platform. You could build emscripten from source or use the prebuilt sdk. SDK: SRC: I recommended building from source (on OSX its pretty painless) so you can use the 1.28.2 branch and do not have to wait for the next prebuilt sdk (emscripten is in heavy development - means its better when you can pull fixes from the repo). 2. Download the OGRE3d source or get the prebuilt emscripten sdk. SDK: SRC build instructions: a. Clone the OGRE3d repo from bitbucket (hg clone ssh:// into a folder (e.g. ogre) make sure to use the default branch (ogre 1.10) b. Clone the OGRE3d dependencies into the ogre source folder you have cloned before with the name "ogredeps" so CMake can find it. It should look like this "ogre/ogredeps" - you can also symlink ogredeps into the ogre folder when you use more than one OGRE3d version at your machine and want to share the ogredeps between them. c. Make sure CMake is installed. Create a new directory inside the OGRE3d source tree called "EmscriptenBuild" >mkdir EmscriptenBuild >cd EmscriptenBuild >cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/PATH_TO_EMSCRIPTEN/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake" -DEMSCRIPTEN=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/PATH_TO_YOUR_LOCAL_SDK_OUTPUT/ogre-emscripten/ -DOGRE_STATIC_BUILD=FALSE -DOGRE_BUILD_SAMPLES=FALSE .. If it complains about something just rerun the command and you are ready to build. >make j4 >make install 3. Build the OGRE3d minimal emscripten demo. I have hosted the demo here When you click on the "Play" button its starting up the engine and should show a gray background and the FPS counter. I also have placed to html buttons below our renderer - these buttons can only be used when the engins is up and running. The first button download the Sinbad model via javascript and pass the downloaded blob to the engine to display. This should show that interaction between javascript and c++ is possible. To build the demo you just need alter the build-debug / build-release script (update the paths). SRC: